St Michael’s Church is part of the Macclesfield Team of Church of England churches.
See below for more information about the Team, its clergy and other churches please click here.
St Peter’s Church
The Church is on Windmill Street on the south side of
the town.
10:00am Sunday Service
Our Sunday gatherings start with coffee at 10am,
and the service begins with a moment of quiet at 10.30 to bring to God
the conversations shared or concerns on our hearts.
For anyone unable to attend or is cautious about meeting in a group, our
Sunday Service continues to be broadcast on Zoom, so you can join
live. Please contact us for the correct Zoom link.
All Saints Church
All Saints is just on the west side of the town centre on
Brough Street West.
9.30am Sunday Worship
This lasts for about an hour and it is a mixture
of informal worship and the parts of the set
Church of England service. Tea and coffee are served afterwards.
All Saints has expertise in Godly Play and can help train people in
other churches.
St Barnabas’ Church
The Church is on Lyme Avenue which is off the London Road, just
before Macclesfield Town Football Club on the south
side of the town.
11.15am Sunday Service
This service follows the contemporary Church of
England order of service and lasts for about an hour.
Coffee is served before the service at 11.00am.
St Barnabas’ Church is a partner in the Cre8 Youth & Community
Project which is a living expression of the church in a different form
on the local estate.
More about our Purpose
We believe that God’s desire for everyone is that we should become
fully human – fulfilled and whole people living in harmony with each
other. This is how God always intended us to be. God has not come to
save us from ourselves or from the world but to save and heal
everything. In Jesus we see someone who is fully human while also
being fully God, who willingly became the scapegoat for us all.
We become more human when we journey from the place where we
are at the moment. First, we must journey to God, which involves
exploring the mystery of who God is, around us and within us.
Secondly, we must make the journey towards other people. It is in
these encounters that we also experience the life of God which
changes us and them. While doing this we cannot ignore the fact that
the planet we live on together is a special place and we must nurture
this too.
St Michael & All Angels Church
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